La Chocolatería Santa Ana.

Fine chocolates prepared by hand with ingredients of the highest quality, using chocolate from 100% Colombian fine aroma cocoa.

Design and creation of the online shop implementing SEO strategies.

Creation of the website, reflecting the style of the brand and creating content based on a previous study of keywords in order to position it in Google. We quickly achieved a monthly traffic of 700 visits, with spikes when we implemented Facebook ads traffic strategies to the website.

Organic traffic was achieved without having invested in Google Ads, appearing on the first search pages for the terms «gifts with chocolates» in Colombia, which had an inmediate impact on sales. From year 2020 to year 2022.

Organic traffic from website

Creation and execution of digital marketing campaigns in META.

META ads campaigns were created in order to support the effort made with SEO strategies. Being a new brand, the main objective was traffic, optimized for landing page views, managing to double the traffic received organically with a small budget. With a CPR as low as $0.12 USD.

Costs are shown in $ COP

Packaging Design and Photoshoot Aligned with the Brand's Personality.

Since this was my own venture, I seized the opportunity to personally design the packaging using Adobe Illustrator, demonstrating my creativity. Furthermore, I actively managed the relationship with suppliers and oversaw the printing of the packaging.