Smart cooking equipment for professional kitchens.

Creation of digital marketing campaigns in META Ads with the objective of obtaining leads from the Gastronomy industry.

On average, 24% of leads from digital marketing campaigns participate in our demo events, and of those who participate, 60% end up as potential customers. Resulting in increased support for our sales team.

I strongly believe in testimonial ads, that’s why I rely heavily on the insights gathered through interviews and reference videos done with clients. In this ad the copy refers precisely to this, where a client says: «Previously we used to prepare 8 kg of pork rinds in 4 hours, today we do it in 1 hour, being much more productive and with standardized results».

Partnering with industry influencers who believe in the product and recommend it.

Industry influencers have a unique ability to make genuine connections with their followers. By collaborating with them and leveraging their recommendations through RATIONAL’s own video ads, we tapped into their authenticity and approachability, allowing our products to be showcased in a more organic and personal way.

  • Objective: Leads. To obtain registrations for the product demonstration events.
  • Results: This strategy not only lowered the cost per lead acquired through the lead ads, but also helped foster a sense of community and trust around the brand.

Conducted a Meta lead Ads campaign featuring Oswaldo Gross for heightened engagement.

The objective was to involve professional kitchen owners in RATIONAL’s demonstrative event, led by Oswaldo Gross, a highly acclaimed chef from Argentina. And yes, I may or may not have managed to capture a photo with Oswaldo Gross – just kidding, but not entirely!

Creation of Reference Stories: Leveraging Santo Domingo Airport Catering Success as Testimonial Marketing

By aligning RATIONAL’s marketing messaging with specific client success stories, the company can effectively communicate the tangible benefits of its technology in addressing the unique challenges faced by catering businesses.

This is why I traveled all the way to the Dominican Republic, interviewed Pedro Manuel Esteban, the airport catering manager (2023), visited the catering, and understood how RATIONAL had helped implement his ‘Centralized Catering System.’

We then shared that story with all of our potential clients.

The results? Demonstrated Industry Relevance.

Showcase how RATIONAL’s iCombi Pro and iVario Pro played a pivotal role in transforming traditional airport catering into a streamlined, efficient operation. Highlighting real-world success establishes RATIONAL as a key player in addressing industry-specific challenges.

'We implemented a centralized production model at the airport, streamlining operations across six restaurants. This allowed two fully-equipped kitchens to handle primary production, while the remaining four focused on post-production and plating.'

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