Tips for creating a Digital Marketing Campaign you’ll be proud of.

These are my top recommendations – my step by step – for creating a digital marketing campaign you’ll be proud of.

1. Set clear objectives. What is your goal? What is the main KPI you want to reach? How much are you willing to pay for every result?
If the expectations with your team are not alligned, you will never be on the same page (or you’ll leave it to chance).

2. Understand the Buyer Persona. The insights that the sales-team can bring to the table are so valuable, that I think it’s important to have a talk between both areas (marketing and sales); it’s the easiest way to get a deep understanding of the pain-points of the audience.

I also do a research; age, interests, which platforms the audience uses (to know where to advertise or focus on), etc.

After I understand my buyer persona, I research the competition (What are they doing? What message are they focusing on? What marketing campaigns are they doing?)

3. Create a communication plan and understand what you will need to execute it. Depending on the lifecycle of my buyer persona (I normally divide it into: awareness, evaluation or conversion) I will decide which the best strategy for my copies, visuals and segmentation would be.

For example: if I do a conversion campaign then I will probably need a landing page (with a clear CTA and mobile-responsive design); If I do a campaign for acquiring leads then I would probably create an automated email so they receive the promised lead magnet or link to a webinar through email (whatever they registered for) / depending on the decided communication’s tone, we will need to design the videos, copies for the ads, etc.

The communication must be optimized with the goal in mind. The message should resonate with the audience.

5. The real work startes here! Now we have to track the results, see what’s working, what needs to be optimized, if the results are going our way, should we invest more? (of course! That’s also part of the strategy). Everything here is about monitoring the campaign. Also, it’s really important to have a close communication and feedback with other aread of your team (sales, finance, etc).

6. Once the campaign is done. Analyze! Was the objective the right one? Is that goal really leading to sales? Or should we focus on another one? Be able to identify what worked, what could be done better, etc.

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